This book proposes a “strategic theory” for Turkey, and deals with the strategic elements determining the destiny of Turkey from an interdisciplinary perspective. Since its publication, it has been deemed a “masterpiece” in its realm. It is absolutely necessary to read Strategic Depth: Turkey’s International Position for making sense of the international conjuncture of which Turkey is a part.
Alexander Murinson:
“Ahmet Davutoglu is the architect of the new Turkish foreign policy concept. His ‘Strategic Depth’ doctrine calls for an activist engagement with all regional systems in Turkey’s neighbourhood. Davutoglu is a truly original neo-Ottoman thinker.”
(Middle Eastern Studies, November 2006)
Guillaume Perrier:
“Ahmet Davutoglu - Le Kissinger de la diplomatie turque.”
L’homme de l’ombre de la diplomatie turque est bien plus que le conseiller du Premier ministre, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Ahmet Davutoglu, professeur de relations internationales et fin tacticien, est le principal artisan du retour de la Turquie sur la scène diplomatique. Pour ses opposants, Davutoglu incarne le « néo-ottomanisme » turc.
(Le Point, June 23, 2008.)
(The man of the shade of the Turkish diplomacy is much more than the adviser of the Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Ahmet Davutoglu, professor of international relations and fine tactician, is the principal craftsman of the return of Turkey on the diplomatic scene. For its opponents, Davutoglu incarnates the Turkish “neo-ottomanism”. )
Joshua W. Walker:
“The premise of Turkey’s Strategic Depth doctrine, which has been advocated by the Prime Minister’s chief foreign policy adviser Ahmet Davutoglu, is that Turkey should not be dependent on any one actor and should actively seek ways to balance its relationships and alliances so that it can maintain optimal independence and leverage on the global and regional stage.”
(The Washington Quarterly, Winter 2007-2008.)
Christopher Caldwell:
If Turkey requires a new way of relating to its neighbors and its minorities, the man most influential in formulating it is likely to be Ahmet Davutoglu, a historian and a specialist in international affairs. Davutoglu makes moment-to-moment political judgments, and he is never far from considering his country's history and ideals. In Davutoglu's case, the relevant history is that of the Ottoman Empire, and the relevant ideals are the ones that permitted that empire to accommodate a wide range of minorities and subcultures.
In his 2000 book, ''Strategic Depth'', Davutoglu urges that Turkey pursue a ''zero-problem strategy'' with its neighbors. What is new about Davutoglu's formulation is that it looks to Ottoman history for inspiration. ''If you want good examples of cultures living in harmony, you look to Ottoman cities: İstanbul, Bagdad, Sarajevo.'' He sets great store by the fact that in Ottoman times Turkey was probably the most cosmopolitan place on earth. For all his interest in the past, Davutoglu is pitching his vision in the language of multiculturalism and globalization.
(The New York Times Magazine, September 25, 2005)