Today Palestine, whose present turmoil originated in the last century, continues to be one of the world’s most significant areas of conflict. The ‘Palestine problem’, involving those nations who share the same ancient cultures, has become an international issue with military, political, cultural and economic dimensions. The reasons why the Middle East conflict has increased in importance, the seeds of which took root upon the establishment of Israel and the subsequent occupation of Palestinian land, are concealed in the identities of the participants involved, as well as in the characteristics of the region.
Through a comparative analysis of the legal, economic and military positions adopted by the key players, this book aims to elucidate the developments which have occurred since the division of Palestine until the peace process, from the second intifada to the present, shedding light on the basic parameters of the key issues. The issues are evaluated under chapter headings which focus on the solving of fundamental questions: international law, demographic and geo-cultural structure, economy and military.
Underlying problems such as the status of Quds, as well as the more urgent problems of Palestinian refugees, water, the use of economic resources and Jewish settlers are also analysed; as are the roles of directly intervening powers, namely the USA and European Union. In addition, Turkey’s position is examined in depth.